The pagan "DNA" of the Christian religion.

"The Rationalist's Manual" has an especially good site with more details regarding the influence of Pagan religions on Xnty. It's quite lengthy, but chock full of information and references if one wants to dig into any of the gods or myths that are cited.

Among the early "Saviors:"

The sufferings, death, and resurrection of Osiris formed the great mystery of the Egyptian religion.

Attys was "the only begotten son and savior" of the Phrygians, represented as a man nailed or tied to a tree, at the foot of which was a lamb.

Tammuz or Adonis, the Syrian and Jewish Adonai, was another virgin born god, who "suffered for mankind" as a "crucified savior."

*Prometheus, of Greece, was with chains nailed to the rocks on Mount Caucasus, "with arms extended," [Murray, "Manual of Mythology" p. 82] as a savior; and the tragedy of the crucifixion was acted in Athens 500 years before the Christian era. [Doane, "Bible Myths," p. 192]

*Bacchus, the offspring of Jupiter and Semele, "the only begotten son," the "sin-bearer," "redeemer," etc.,

*Hercules, son of Zeus; Apollo; Serapis; Mithras, of ancient Persia -- *Zoroaster; and Hermes, were all "saviours" centuries before Jesus was made one.

The ancient Egyptians annually celebrated the resurrection of their god and savior Osiris, and at the same time commemorated his death by eating the consecrated wafer which had become "veritable flesh of his flesh " -- the body of Osiris -- thus eating their god, as the Christians do.

"Many of the forms of expression in the Christian solemnity are precisely the same as those that appertained to the Pagan rite." [Rev. R. Taylor.] The Pagan priest dismissed his congregation with "The Lord be with you" -- an expression retained to this day in the English Protestant Church, and in the Catholic Church as "Dominus vobiscum."

  • Rationalist's Manual